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Re: Common sense for 5-man dungeons?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:51 pm
by Dr. Doom
RedBanner wrote:I played retail from end of Vanilla to middle of MOP, and in every PUG I ever remember being in it was common practice to roll greed on any random drop BOE, regardless of color. You could ask, and most times it wasn't an issue, or if someone who didn't care won it, they would give it to you. Since I'm already going to rant about it, it was also a given that you rolled on items for the spec you were in during the run. If you're a tank, you do not roll need on a 2H, and if you're DPSing, you don't roll need on healing gear, period.

Since I have been here, I see nothing but asshats rolling need on everything. They roll need on greens that are negligible upgrades that they will likely replace before the end of the run, and I have been in a run where someone replaced the same slot 4 times by the time the run ended. They roll need on blues all day if they can find any minutia of a reason they should have it, including, no lie "I have an alt that can use it". WTF is that shit? I would say maybe 10% of them actually equip the item. And, of course there are the paladins rolling need on my priest gear, even though I healed, and paladins rolling need on my shield, even though I tanked (f'n paladins!). Roll for your role.

A good part of this server's population is composed by toxic greedy people like the poster above you. The best thing to do is to identify them, filter them out, and just stick to people worth playing with.

Re: Common sense for 5-man dungeons?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:56 am
by GabeN
Phalucy wrote:thats clear.
So, if I need DK's cape i can only go there as dps? Cuz tank need to pass when dps needs and probably all non-caster dpsers need that one.

Thats just stupid. It will be much more difficult to get a group going with a Prot warrior as a main tank(or someone for whom barons cape isn't BiS), when it's not even needed. A fury or arms warrior can tank strath just fine and you're gonna end up wasting a lot of time sitting around and restricting them into strictly DPS role instead while looking for a "real tank".

It's simple, If its pre-raid BiS for you, it's a fair game.