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Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:36 pm
by bdan
I hate getting ganked. If wow had some sort of setting where you could only attack players within 5-10 lvls of u, I would love pvp servers. I don't mind getting jumped by people my own level. I don't mind getting jumped by a raid of people my own level. I do however mind getting jumped by a 60 who I have no chance of beating because "its part of the lore." Im too old for that. that's cool that you are so into a video game that u have to kill people because of the "lore" but I find that reason stupid so I would prefer to avoid it. Behind every character is a human (except bots, fuck bots) and I don't get any satisfaction from corpse camping them and ruining that persons day.

Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:45 pm
by Computeher
I'm kind of a carebear. I don't wanna be ganked, I wanna be able to level in peace. Honestly, the idea of getting ganked 5-6 times in one area and having to run back has slowed down my leveling a lot. I'm almost too nervous to move on to higher leveling areas because general chat is always bitching & moaning about how often they get ganked. I'm exactly what all PvP servers hate :P

Also helps I don't have character above level 13

Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:42 pm
by BoxerBriefly
The fresh start is very appealing.

Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:54 pm
by ohgr
Fresh start, less people than the pvp server (and hopefully better community), the delay (which is reportedly fixed) on the PvP server really really put me off on playing there so I just leveled the last levels to 60 and then I switched to Kronos, which sadly enough lacks players (imo) - but I'll continue playing there from time to time and level a new one here.

Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:56 pm
by shakey
arnt you guys worried that you get T2 gear +, maybe even T3 items but by then the server is dying and the PVP server is 5k+ players? and you are forever alone :((?

do you think they will allow transfers by then?

Re: Reasons why you will reroll on PvE server

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:40 am
by Nefelpitou
Fresh start, 100%

PvP or PvE didn't matter. I just wanted to be in from the get go