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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:18 pm
by Serico
I was just sitting here at my desk, drinking some coffee, doing some work for my bachelor thesis and listening to some music... You gotta know I'm the type of guy who listens to music while working. But not music to dance to or to sing along with.


I like it classy.

I listen to game music!

Musik heard in games like Morrowind, Skyrim or Gothic really have the ability to set you in the mood to actually make progress. So this time, I listened to one of those 4 hour WoW Classic full soundtrack YouTube videos.

Then it struck me. Nostalgia. I remember the young me in 2005. I was only 13 years old and barely matched the age restriction of it, but I bought World of Warcraft for like 59.99€. I remembered toddling around razorhill. I remembered sitting on top of the cliffs of thunder ridge as a lvl 17 undead warrior with my big two handed sword. It had a red glow, because I just asked someone to enchant it for me for 10 silver.
I placed myself right above Fizzle Darkstorm. It was a hard quest to kill him for any newcomer without a group and I knew that from my own experience.
So I waited... I waited until someone tried this quest on his own and was about to die. Then, in the right moment, I jumped down the cliffs, charged at Fizzle's companions, killed his guards with a single blow and thus rescued my fellow newcomer. I was a deus ex machina. The savior and hero everyone hoped for in their last seconds. I was a little kid. And I enjoyed it.

Then I thought about joining a private server. I did this before. Multiple times. I mostly looked for WotLK or TBC Servers. But everytime it was the same frustrating experience. There were players I sarcastically called "Dontation-lamers" (intentional writing error). These people just bought their whole equipment for real life money. While I understand that large servers really need that money to keep running and that their donations pay for my unpaid free time on the server, those players had access to inaccessible items. They had the full Black Temple gear while BT itself wasn't even open. It was pay2win.

Next up are the communities and people on those servers. Everyone had at least 5 characters on the maximum level. Everyone was rich. Everyone had a guild. Everyone knew exactly what to do for each boss of every instance and raid. Everyone was a pro. Noone had to say anything. The community was dead.
The reason this bugs me is that I remember World of Warcraft to be a game about communication. You talk to people. You ask them if you wanna go do some quests together. You find new friends. You find new stuff together. Unveil mysteries.
But not on these servers. Even on a server with 4000+ online players daily you can hardly find a group to do the wailing caverns, because 3700 of those players are online with their fully geared max level characters with the rest being twinks. And even if you somehow manage to find a group, you just rush through the instance. No words needed. Only flame if you somehow fail at something or get lost. Everyone just expects you to know everything like they do.
You can imagine - for a newcomer on the server, stuff like this is really frustrating. It's like playing a single player game with bots. I figured that I will never again feel the nostalgia of the good old days where everyone had just freshly begun their adventures.

I was wrong.

In the comments of the video I talked about at the beginning there was a guy called A. Ballard, who said that his kids will never be able to enjoy the making of Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise. And he was wrong, too. Some H. Bite anwered him. "Nostalrius should do the job"

"Hmm... Another private server..." - I thought. But I still wanted to at least check the homepage.

And it hit me.
You guys have an active AND young AND big community.
You dont have Dontationlamers.
And the best part: You open up a new realm. In 9 days from now. Wow. It's like im dreaming.
And WoW classic is far enough in the past that I (as someone who also played post-Cataclysm on Blizz) can say, that I wont remember how things work. Plus I was very young an inexperienced back then. I only reached level 40 when all of the sudden there where bloodelves everwhere.

I got time until the 26/10/2015 for my bachelor thesis and I still have a lot of work to do. I won't be online on the server's release date. I will be 9 days late. And I will probably be one of the slower leveling people because of real life responsibilities. But that's okay. I'm hyped.

I'm really hyped.

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:58 pm
by Delso
I can really feel your Hype. Just like my own.

See you online.

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:13 pm
by hakuyi
Love to see this enthusiasm. I played on the Nostalrius pvp server and it really was just like vanilla wow. The community is very active and friendly. Such feelings of excitement and passion which you are experiencing right now are rare in life. Even when they are for a video game, they should be cherished imo. See you online!

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:50 pm
by Serico
Thanks! See you online then.

I ask myself whether vmaps work as intended? I tried searching the forum but couldn't find a clear answer. Will I aggro mobs through walls? Will I sometimes not be able to attack a mob because the server thinks it is "not in sight", even though it is?

Edit: I just found this.

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:01 pm
by Pipes
Haha, I noticed the same comment under the same youtube clip. Wonderful. :D

Wish you a great start on the PvE Realm, take care. And good luck with your bachelor.

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:47 pm
by Orc_Hunter
This makes me smile. :D

I'm glad you found your way to Nostalrius.

Re: WoW!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:56 am
by Diametra
excellent. you won't have to hurry or worry about being late. there are many people here just to enjoy the ride....and this ride is gonna last a long time my friend.