Faction Balance

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Faction Balance

by Acousticferret » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:04 pm

I feel with the way this server is going its going to turn into a 90% Alli 10% horde in a month or so. It started 60/40 but is now at something like 67/33, I play horde here and at times it seems like a single player game. Then log into my lvl 1 alli to look at IF and its full of people.

Horde AH is empty and finding a group while leveling is just a pain. Yet alli side groups are always forming. I know quite a few people who came here to play horde and ended up switching to alliance around lvl 40 or so just because of the lack of others to do anything with. Then earlier today i logged onto the PvP server today and it was at 10,322 players while the PvE server highest ive seen lately is MAYBE 1,600. GG.
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Re: Faction Balance

by Mimma » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:08 pm

Blizzard had the same problem in retail, and they were powerless. They offered free migrations (which isn't possible here), and that only had a little impact.

Should dev's prevent people creating alliance characters? (No)
Should dev's increase Horde XP (No)
Should dev's set a limit cap, so there could not be more than a 25% difference between ally and horde - and put people in login queue until there were "room"? (No)

What's your suggestion?

PvE server at this very moment have >2k players online btw ;-)
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Re: Faction Balance

by Glenzig » Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:46 pm

When are you logging on and seeing only 1,600. Any time of day or night I have been on its at least 2k, and goes near 3k at prime time hours.
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Re: Faction Balance

by Dish » Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:52 pm

Acousticferret wrote: It started 60/40 but is now at something like 67/33

That's just wrong, it's 60.x/39.x right now.

edit: other stuff is completely off too, on sunday we had 2.8k peak, which was a new record in PvE server history.
Dish - Level 60 Orc Rogue
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Re: Faction Balance

by Diametra » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:25 pm

Regardless of what the true numbers are, there certainly are less horde than ally which would effect your ability to group. Were this a pvp server, it would be a dire situation indeed. I do sympathize...and I'd make a horde character if I could stand looking at all the ugly, but I can't. I'm a one faction kinda guy and will never play horde.

The server is still young and there is an outside possibilty that the trend could reverse itself, but we all know it will never be 50/50. If the population just grew large enough so that there were enough horde for your own needs, it wouldn't matter what the ratio was, except for some ally in BGs might grow dissastisfied with the queue times.
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Re: Faction Balance

by Crixalis » Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:39 am

At some point alliance will always get hands over horde population on a 1.12 server (damn paladins).
Feenix was the best example. Horde side was nearly dead, whilst alliance was healthy and fine. Ally is just easier to play PVE which helps worse players to still be able to PuG shit and do stuff. On horde there were mostly pvpers and china rankers who sold their accounts when reached a certain rank.

Actually i am kind of surprised at how balanced the pvp server is faction wise, at the moment.
I believe the trend will take its path on pvp server too, whilst i dont have a problem there since the population is so high it wouldnt really matter even if its 20% to 80%.
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Re: Faction Balance

by XJ9 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:03 am

I can't be the only one who is fine with the faction imbalance. I mean sure, I play Horde but I also have a guild if I want to run dungeons ever so population doesn't hurt me as much. Though right now the Horde are the most progressed faction as far as guilds are concerned with them having a commanding lead on Azuregos kills and thus far the only guild kill. Granted Salvation and Kings are carrying Alliance DPS hardcore (Really bad when Trunix's Alliance Rogue with less gear does more Onyxia DPS than his fairly geared Undead Rogue) DPS won't win it all. Alliance don't get a raid mechanics buff, sure they'll be good on Patchwerk or DPS races but when it comes to mechanics and raid competence, it can easily be a toss up. It isn't as if intelligent players roll a specific faction. You have good players on both sides, and apes at a keyboard on both sides.

Paladins are good, shamans are good too, Shamans wreck for AQ40 while Paladins are better in PvE come Naxx but keep in mind, the best guild out of Vanilla was Horde. Only real drawback is Shamans can only windfury their group so if you're limited on Shamans you have to organize the raid around Windfury allocation. Whereas Paladins can buff groups not their own. If Salvation or Kings were auras which are group oriented, different story.

People just naturally will pick Alliance for a myriad of reasons, perceived easiness is one. Keep in mind, Alliance may have more players, doesn't necessarily mean a lot of them are worth a damn. Look at how BGs turned out, people rolled Alliance because they won every game almost and then that swung in favor of Horde as the Horde got better and the Alliance got watered down with people looking for free victories.
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Re: Faction Balance

by Ellmo » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:41 pm

Acousticferret wrote: finding a group while leveling is just a pain. .

I have not found this a problem, currently have a level 19 warrior and leveling in the barrens ive found heaps of people to group with. and also I dont mind not being able to find a group right away, you just need to show a little patience and intelligence to go do something else to level.
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Re: Faction Balance

by nexololol » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:05 pm

Personally I've had no trouble at all finding groups as horde, currently level 35. AH is far from empty, tho it suffers from massive undercutting.

Join one of the social slacker guilds, I'm in <The First Order> and its rare to have less than 15-20 people online even late night.

What timezone are you in?
Wannabe support-monkey/President of the internet.

Re: Faction Balance

by shaana » Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:37 pm

I've levelled 3 alt on the horde, i'm a one sided player too, horde ftw, and i've never had problem finding a group for dungeon. Especially at normal hours. Early EU hours are the hardest , 0700-0900 server time.


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