Horde Warlock and guilds ?

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Horde Warlock and guilds ?

by Nagoun » Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:59 pm

As a casual player, i want to plan as well as I can my play time.

As a warlock, can I find a guild with ease ? Or it's better to focus my attention on an UD priest ?

I hope you understand my concerns ! (Smartphone and not native language don't help :p)

Re: Horde Warlock and guilds ?

by Duofilm » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:09 am

I think your good with a warlock, they are much wanted in raids right now. Banish etc.
I was thinking myself of leveling a warlock alt. That is my 50 cent though ^^.
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Re: Horde Warlock and guilds ?

by XJ9 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:34 am

As Duo said, I feel warlocks are in a pretty good place and a good warlock (or good players in general rather) are still a very desirable thing to have in a raid. It looks to me like other guilds are putting together second MC teams, and we have ZG here some time in the year I would imagine which was made so guilds unable to assemble 40 players, can assemble 20 and still get their foot in the door so to say.

Horde also has a weekly PuG for MC from some guy, can't remember his name but I think he was formerly of Reign of Chaos. From what I hear it isn't one shotting everything, however I hear the guy constantly gets up to or including Domo every week which even then, 8-9/10 bosses is not that bad at all and with time that will be a pug capable of destroying MC weekly if they just keep at it.

I'm noticing on the Horde a couple other guilds are making the consideration of a second raid team, at least from what I have seen and heard. Which that's one thing I would suggest keeping in mind but not banking on, is the fact guilds are looking to expand their raiding base.

Back when Chocolate Milk and Video Games merged we had the issue of some players not having a core spot because we just put on like 20 members out of the blue all raid ready. We managed to recruit enough and formed a second raid team in MC with both being very much capable teams that down Rag on a week by week basis. Since then I've began noticing talk of some guilds trying to do the same, a lot starting with splitting Onyxias the past few weeks which is the natural first step.

However like I said, do not entirely gamble on that getting you a raid slot in any guild for sure, however don't let it stop you. If anything, ZG will work in the favor of players who are currently unable to join guilds that are not recruiting by allowing them to raid via PuG or ZG team recruitment since 20 is easier to find than 40.

TL;DR - Warlocks are fine, as are priests and go ahead. Other guilds are recruiting for 2nd MC teams which opens spots. If you are unable to get into one of those, at least make the character raid ready and hold out until ZG which should guarantee you finding a raid team of some fashion be it 20 only or 20 and 40. Best of luck and cheers mate.
Anything posted on this account is said on behalf of myself and myself alone. None of my posts are influenced by guild affiliation and any issues you have with me should be taken up with me. Anything positive or negative is said by me, not my guild.
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Re: Horde Warlock and guilds ?

by Nagoun » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:21 am

Thanks a lot !

What is fun is that each story is repeated. I played Wow a lot of hours (Vanilla BC WotLK in HL guilds and as a casual after that) but same storie here almost 10 years afterIt's hard to make a 40 team, week after week.

Ok, nostalgia here. Bring the player, not the class !

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