The patch the PvE server is running.

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The patch the PvE server is running.

by Lockert » Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:34 pm


I have been trying to figure out what kind of patch the PvE server is running. Been on the site, forum, and twitter.
But I can't seem to find the patch notes. Can anyone help me?

I am not just wondering what instances are out, but all the details about classes, quests, general, ect.

Thanks in advance!

Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Pottu » Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:10 pm


for spells and talents and game mechanics, the PvE realm is running the 1.12.1 patch.

For items, quests and instances, the PvE realm is running the 1.3 patch, moving to 1.4 patch on Valentine's Day.

The GM team.
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by lindz » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:49 am

Pottu wrote:Greetings,

for spells and talents and game mechanics, the PvE realm is running the 1.12.1 patch.

For items, quests and instances, the PvE realm is running the 1.3 patch, moving to 1.4 patch on Valentine's Day.

The GM team.

We get 1.4 on Sunday? As in the AV patch and the MC loot revamp?

I'm thinking that was just a typo and we're just getting DM, correct?
<Voltaic> - alliance weekend raiding on Nostalrius PvE
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Benevael » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:20 am

Apologies, the other GM was mistaken.

On Feb 14, Dire Maul will be released. It will still be a couple of months before 1.4 comes out, we will remain on 1.3 on the PVE server until then.

You can see the sequencing at

Regards, GM Team.
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Dish » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:23 am

Benevael wrote:It will still be a couple of months before 1.4 comes out, we will remain on 1.3 on the PVE server until then.

Of course the release for 1.4 is still to be confirmed, but "a couple of months" seems a bit long, considering it's set to be released somewhere in March? That would be a pretty big delay.
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Lockert » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:07 am

Pottu wrote:Greetings,

for spells and talents and game mechanics, the PvE realm is running the 1.12.1 patch.

The GM team.

Will the spells, talents and game mechanics always stay on 1.12.1 or will we move forward and fix some of the bugs in the classes?

Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by ciorex » Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:54 pm

I'm a complete noob when it comes to server coding so feel free to rip into me for asking the following noob question: why can't the devs just copy the coding / progress (w/e you want to call it) from one server to another? given that the only difference between servers is that on PVE you can't attack someone unless they're flagged for pvp.

Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Aggronaught » Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:51 pm

ciorex wrote:I'm a complete noob when it comes to server coding so feel free to rip into me for asking the following noob question: why can't the devs just copy the coding / progress (w/e you want to call it) from one server to another? given that the only difference between servers is that on PVE you can't attack someone unless they're flagged for pvp.

Because that defeats the sense of nostalgia, it feels better to progress along the same path that vanilla took (barring talents/class balance). I wouldn't play here if everyone was far ahead.
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Bartolo » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:09 am

Don't kill the Ivory raptor yet please.
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Re: The patch the PvE server is running.

by Plxtreme » Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:10 am

Patch 1.3, where old school wow players get to quit again because itemization is just too sad.


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