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Turn on your /PvP (if you dare)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:41 pm
by Yrelius
So I've heard of a lot of people switching from PvP to PvE due to the various problems the PvP server has, with the only regret being the lack of world PvP on the PvE server for obvious reasons.

Well, me being one of those people, I decided to try and change this. I leave my PvP on at all times and it has led to some awesome wPvP situations. As a right, it's a little harder to actually perform well with there being a requirement of the enemy hitting you first (in order to flag them) but that just makes it more of a challenge!

Just my 2 cents if you're playing the PvE server and want to spice things up a bit!

Re: Turn on your /PvP (if you dare)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:57 am
by Tamanous
Likely more will once the majority of players are 60. The reason they play here is for uninterrupted leveling. I plan on having my flag on most of the time when it doesn't interfere with grouping. For now my time is limited enough to not want to be interrupted although I certainly wish more people would enjoy open world pvp more. Lower pop with a pve attitude means fewer level 60's in lower level zones and near equal level pvp is what pvp is about.