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Re: BG Multi-queue gone?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:11 pm
by Sakatoro
The PvE Server dont have enough active hord pvp players for that. We need multi que to get different bgs running. So this change is shit, sorry

Re: BG Multi-queue gone?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:13 pm
by Nelythia
And then everyone is just playing empty games because its "so annoying" to play against "premades" that aren't good at all or getting a 7 day ban + final warning for roleplaying in already lost (empty) games.

No, thanks.

Re: BG Multi-queue gone?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:00 pm
by Sir_tokealot
Day 4, Still zero sign of what happened to Arathi basin. Please send Help

Re: BG Multi-queue gone?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:05 pm
by Kyther
The system that is in place now is optimal. Blizzard knew that back in 2004/2005 and that is why retail vanilla had no multiqueue with premades, same as Nostalrius now.

The issues that people are complaining about are caused by not having enough pvpers on the pve server. But the number of people pvping is increasing slowly but steadily. There is a noticeable increase from one month ago and more so when compared to two months ago. The situation will improve over time.

We have actual, real PvP on the server for the first time. The solution to a small player base isn't to break the system.

Re: BG Multi-queue gone?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:18 pm
by Spottedcow
When WoW was new, tons of people played the BGs for fun. But the people drawn to a private vanilla server tend to be, on the whole, more serious players than the vast majority of vanilla players when it was retail. Which means you have very few people playing for fun and a lot of people playing to maximize hph. Which further drives out anyone playing for fun, because what's fun about getting 3v10 steamrolled or watching the opposing side leave the moment it looks like they won't get a 10 minute win? I felt like twinking in low level BGs in retail did the same thing. Casual players don't expect to win every game, but if they never win, they're not going to play.

I'm a casual pvper; I don't find pvp to be that great and I'll only do it one in a great while here on Nost. And with the balance of casual pvper to grinder, I just don't do it at all; I know it'll be a miserable experience. So I honestly don't care what they do to the BGs; unless things get suddenly and massively less grindy, I'm not playing. If they removed the ability to queue as a group entirely, I might be tempted to dip my toes in the water, but I don't see that happening.