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Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:11 pm
by Lionheart
Spottedcow wrote:
But it seems they [Deja Vu] see themselves as some sort of modern day Nihilum or D&T.

XJ9 wrote:That's a 1, not a 2. For you kid.

Allow me to expand a bit upon this: That is the link to Yrelius on Realmplayers, he's in Versus. I don't see Versus even in the top 9. Where could they be? Oh, here they are: At number 22. You're a 22nd rate guild contesting the best. Good luck with that one.

I'd also like to add, we held you off with 10 people. When we got the server first Kazzak kill, we were griefed by much more than 10 people. Your guild just needed to step it up. I mean at least the team out here spamming mana burns on Kazzak is trying and we're not griefing them. You guys got interrupted like twice, maybe thrice and threw in the towel. If you ever expect to be anything above 22nd, you best learn how to dedicate yourself to the kill like we do.

Mandosz wrote:We don't see ourselves as anything of the sort

Please ....

Your guild is a bunch of "wannabe elitist" that keep bragging about being top guild on this forum. The result is that both the Alliance and Horde side, PvP and PvE population included, think that you are all arrogant and dislike almost automatically your members ...

Second point, you might have been in a top raiding guild but you were obviously not among the leaders. You missed the whole point on how to recruit members for an "elitist" guild... A point among which you should recruit only people matching your organization's behavior.
Truthfully, many members are just in your guild to get geared and carried through actual content.

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:32 pm
by Imbaslap
can't wait to hear all the QQ once emerald dragons come out on PVE realm before everyone gets griefed on Emeriss. :lol:

expect griefing on world bosses. welcome to vanilla.

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:42 pm
by Mandosz
Lionheart wrote:Please ....

Your guild is a bunch of "wannabe elitist" that keep bragging about being top guild on this forum. The result is that both the Alliance and Horde side, PvP and PvE population included, think that you are all arrogant and dislike almost automatically your members ...

Second point, you might have been in a top raiding guild but you were obviously not among the leaders. You missed the whole point on how to recruit members for an "elitist" guild... A point among which you should recruit only people matching your organization's behavior.
Truthfully, many members are just in your guild to get geared and carried through actual content.

hmmm where to start....

1. We ARE the top guild on the server, my members have put in the time and work to earn that right. Referring to ourselves as the top guild on the server isn't elitist, its just truthful.

2. There are plenty of people on this server both horde and alliance that are completely fine with us, funny the guy who claims WE are elitist and arrogant deems himself fit to talk on behalf of an entire server :roll:

3. You have clearly never been in a top guild if you think "being in the leadership" matters at all, most top guilds were extremely transparent to their members because most of their members were more than willing to get their hands dirty with any form of helping run and maintain the guild. Quite often the "leadership" would speak with the members on just about every topic and gather opinions because they valued what their members had to say.

4a. We aren't an elitist guild and therefor we aren't trying to recruit like one. Funny how you try to refute me when I say we aren't elitist and then go straight into proving my point by pointing out that we are operating in a different manner from an elitist guild.

4b. Even IF we wanted to recruit in such a manner we couldn't, the server cant support such a method and we would lose members to attrition faster than we would recruit new ones. Good thing you aren't running a guild, otherwise it would have died by now. (Or did you already try and fail? maybe that's why you are so salty, because we "stole all the recruits"?).

5. We are aware that many members are in the guild just to get geared. We accept that fact and are fine with it. They still help us dominate world bosses and run multiple raids which help us gear everyone faster including the people that are in it to win it. Thanks for pointing that out though, very helpful of you, dunno what I would do without your valuable input.

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:53 pm
by btbyrne
Good Lord people, who cares? It's a game

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:47 pm
by Lionheart
Nah, you missed the thing. I have never said you were not the "top guild" of the server (whatever this means on a 10 years old game where 2 WB and 2 raids are released).
I should have been more specific though, not including your entire guild (this is unfair to some of your members, some of I know and appreciate playing with) but specifying "some of your members" on this forum that keep bragging about it.

And I have never implied the importance of leadership in guilds or whatever you understood on that, but the lack of your leadership and management skills that you should have learned from your former hardcore raiding guild and apply to this guild of yours.
Anyway, lets close this discussion if you agree, it won't go anywhere and if you really want to prove me I am wrong or that I am fag, or anything that comes to your mind, I'd be more than happy to talk about it with you on PM :)

btbyrne wrote:Good Lord people, who cares? It's a game

It definitely is but I really like rhetorical exercices ! ;)

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:54 pm
by Xethra
Pretty sure this thread has ran it's course...

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:54 pm
by psykeat
this thread still hasnt been deleted? vote for close: no good will come out of this

Re: lol@kazzak

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:42 pm
by zmandude24
Xethra wrote:Pretty sure this thread has ran it's course...


Re: DV & Kazzak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:06 am
by Soulxlock
Spottedcow wrote:
Spottedcow wrote:The thing is, bitching at them about it isn't going to do any good, because they don't see their actions as shameful.

Just thought I'd re-emphasize that, in case any of you missed it.

@Mandosz: I can guarantee that's not what the top guilds did because the vast majority of cutting edge guilds were on PvP servers, where the tactics DV uses wouldn't work. I didn't start raiding seriously until late in BC, but the guild I was in then was consistently server first and top 100 world through BT and SW and I don't recall us ever being dicks about Doom Lord Kazzak or Doomwalker.

I played retail classic on Talnivarr-EU (PvP) server. When it came to Kazzak, horde and alliance guilds would gather in a safe distance and take turns on the boss. If one guild failed to kill him, the next one gave it a try. There was only some griefing when Kazzak was first introduced. Later people realised it's just a colossal waste of time and whoever got there 1st with his guild got the try. If they failed, the next guild gave it a go and so on. Back then we didn't have the 1.12 talents and not everyone in BiS gear, so a kill was never guaranteed.

Re: DV & Kazzak

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:22 am
by Mandosz
Soulxlock wrote:
Spottedcow wrote:
Spottedcow wrote:The thing is, bitching at them about it isn't going to do any good, because they don't see their actions as shameful.

Just thought I'd re-emphasize that, in case any of you missed it.

@Mandosz: I can guarantee that's not what the top guilds did because the vast majority of cutting edge guilds were on PvP servers, where the tactics DV uses wouldn't work. I didn't start raiding seriously until late in BC, but the guild I was in then was consistently server first and top 100 world through BT and SW and I don't recall us ever being dicks about Doom Lord Kazzak or Doomwalker.

I played retail classic on Talnivarr-EU (PvP) server. When it came to Kazzak, horde and alliance guilds would gather in a safe distance and take turns on the boss. If one guild failed to kill him, the next one gave it a try. There was only some griefing when Kazzak was first introduced. Later people realised it's just a colossal waste of time and whoever got there 1st with his guild got the try. If they failed, the next guild gave it a go and so on. Back then we didn't have the 1.12 talents and not everyone in BiS gear, so a kill was never guaranteed.

I am not saying it didn't happen like that in some places. But one example of it being done like that doesn't mean all servers did it like that.