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Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:58 pm
by Mastodon
I was Tajin on <The Sha'tar>
And Butcherer on <Argent Dawn>

Both EU.

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:26 pm
by Hydra9268
Toshi, Lockpain

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:28 pm
by Draulius
Vanilla and TBC:

Turokk on Turalyon. (Horde)

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:04 pm
by dreams
Let's keep this thread up there over the various QQ threads

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:06 pm
by Eratoc
On retail vanilla, I played on Twilight's Hammer.

Some of my toons were called Funnyspider, Chaine. Guild called <Lamer Crew> and <Purple Warriors>

Also played on Feenix servers since 2012.

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:37 pm
by Kailas
Twilight's Hammer Human mage Kailas vanila and tbc (kravate , cube guilds)
Ahn'Qiraj UD rogue Kailas TBC

Private ED
ED Svila UD warlock
ED Bikkojisjedi Tauren Shaman
ED Trxy Orc Rogue

Nostalrius Kailas Troll Shaman

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:14 pm
by pakao
Sethzer wrote:my vanilla mains:

Character name: Leelah (troll rogue)
Server: Haomarush (EU)
Guilds: <Jotun>, <Grudge>, <Envy>

I remember your name and especially those guilds from haomarush... i played there my first char, orc warrior and named phyx and got him to r11

dam those were good times, so many good players played there

same as you i rerolled after that and pushed for high rank, got r13 on boulderfist with rogue as i wrote here, couldnt get to 14 tho, was too much :)

time i spent on haomarush and boulderfist even more were by far best times i had in wow

holy shit, 10 years ago :lol:

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:04 pm
by Robotron
All on NA, retail:

Nathrezim: Robotron (late Vanilla - Sunwell)
Illidan: Robotron (Sunwell - Trial of the Crusader)
Kil'Jaeden: Robotron (Trial of the Crusader)

Greymane: Robotronic (Icecrown Citadel - Pre-Cataclysm)

Nordrassil: Robotronic (Tier 10 - retirement Pre-Firelands)

I played rogue. Currently, I am Robotron on here. Undead rogue.

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:50 pm
by realsavagehenry
¨Vol'jin, retail EU¨ Harhold 70 Paladin
¨Ysera, private¨ Savagehenry 70 Priest
¨Warsong, Feenix¨ Frosthead 60 Mage
¨Emerald Dream, Feenix¨ Toroloko 60 Hunter
¨Archangel, Feenix¨ Hellsmoke 70 Warlock

Re: Name your old server and toon. Let's Reconnect!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:09 pm
by azamous
azamous - chromaggus EU
devilofnigh - Kul'tiras EU